I miss...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[This is one of those posts that you write, that ends up languishing in your drafts folder because you never quite find the right moment to post it, or indeed it never really needs posting. But sometimes, well sometimes you should push that publish button...]

I miss...
  • The smell of his skin
  • The way he used to make me laugh
  • Lust, the way we lusted after each other and how that made me feel
  • How I could really tell him my every dirty thought

I don't miss...
  • How everything always had to be on his terms
  • Being shut out
  • The cold and careless way he treated me
  • Wondering...
I fell in love with the relationship we had, how that made me feel, the excitement of it. I thought perhaps I was in love with him, but no, it was what we had not him. I miss that. I am sad that its gone and it will never be again. In the end though, the bad really did outweigh the good.


Anonymous said...

We all have that post that sits there forever, uh? I'm sure this was liberating to publish. We all deserve to be cared for, even by a lover.

Florida Dom said...

If the bad outweighs the good, it's time to move on.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was time to go!

Red Shoes said...

I agree with Spring Flower... I think we all have those kinds of posts somewhere... it was time...

I tend to fall in love with possibilities... and not realities...



Vixen said...

So often though....the good *feels* like it outweighs the bad. It's so easy to dwell and truly miss the GOOD.

But in the end, realizing the bad, is best. I suck at that part. It's again, so much easier to focus on how much you loved the 'good'.


Anonymous said...

something so perfect destroyed by selfishness....

he wont even understand whats hes lost until one day when it dawns on him.... that day he crys

Topaz said...

You've found the strength to share the 'sitting there' post, that in itself is a great step in the right direction, especially after realizing which of the two you were in love with (too many people never see that difference).

Hopefully, you can look back and appreciate all the wonderful things the relationship (not him, mind you) did for you and brought into your life.


Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean. When someone brings you down more than up, time to let go.

Cala Gray said...

I can definitely relation to this. *sighs*

*great big hugs*

Advizor54 said...

This is why we blog, to find common ground with others, to know that we are not alone in our feelings of loss when relationships leave. I'm glad you published, I'm glad you felt it was time.

Ms Scarlett said...

Oh boy, do I relate to this.

Thank you for hitting that Publish button...


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