Your opinion please....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I was just having a conversation with the H about blogging and my blog. Yes, the H knows all about my blog. Well hell, if you going to tell him about all the men you have been fucking you may as well top it off with a 'oh hey and I write about it too!'

Anyway, back to the point. We were discussing about what I write and who I write about and I wondered out loud if I should tell Mr Big about the blog, after all he features reasonably prominently. I know that there are bloggers out there that are incredibly upfront and tell those they are involved with about their blog and dont write about them if that person wishes. I admire them for that.

But then there are tons of bloggers out there that don't let those that they blog about know about their blog. Some have been discovered by friends, family, work colleagues and indeed by their partners in crime and sometimes it works out well and sometimes not so...

So, the question I put out there to you all I tell?


Anonymous said...

I'm torn. Having a guy know about my blog at the moment is very refreshing, I feel like I have no secrets from him, which is a novel feeling and is definitely a good thing.

But at the same time, I would always advise against telling people. I'm sure it sometimes works out okay, but there is an element of censorship involved and the possibility that he won't want you to write about him - ergo leaving you with less blog fodder!

---Amy xxxx

Jim said...

I agree. You need to think through what his reaction is likely to be, and how he'd feel knowing that we're all peering in the window on your relationship,so to speak.


Anonymous said...

For myself, no, I keep it away from parties otherwise involved. The blog is a place to raise questions, write without second thoughts, and make some attempt to think thorugh things by writing about them. Of course, it all depends on how you use the blog youself.

Cala Gray said...

I share my blog with just about anyone but I write in such a manner that you (as a reader) aren't sure if it is reality or fiction. I think it depends on how the other person feels and what the outcome might be. And if you value your privacy. You can't take it back once someone knows. Tough call.

Advizor54 said...

no no no.
it complicates things too much and leaves you open to external criticism and self-censorship.

Write for you, your thoughts, your musings, don't let others edit what you say.

Topaz said...

I agree with Ben.
For me, my blog is my therapy. If any of the players were to read it, I would (consciously and subconsciously) tailor it. You can use it to flatter or to hurt. And there may come a time where you want to write something you don't want them to see.
But Jim has a point about his reaction, but I want to stress it's not only the reaction, but the continued knowledge - only if he can handle it, and it doesn't come between you two.

DL and H both know I have a blog, but neither of them know what/where it is. H has no interest in knowing, and DL wants to read it, but knows I would never give up the address. And I'm keeping it that way.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

If there's not a *strong* reason to do it, then don't do it.

Aurore said...

I would definitely advise against it. In my experience I've learned that it's not necessary and in the end (if there is an end) that person will still have access to you and your words, thoughts, emotions, etc.

Dewey's System said...

I wouldn't personally. No one I know knows that I have this blog. I don't divulge any thing that would identify someone (personal identifiable information). I just think this is the best route when doing a blog of this nature. If your blog was about mom stuff then that would be different. Just sayin

Anonymous said...

Don't tell instead tell him how you feel about him - heck - write him a letter if you want him to have a memento. The most compelling thing about most blogs are the inner dialogs we share. Some of these musings represent a mere moment and say nothing about who you really are or how you really feel. They are just a thought or an idea. He has nothing to gain by reading your blog and you have everything to lose. I have readers who know who I am and who I care about and I constantly find myself reminding them my blog is not a diary - it is fictionalized reality about a real event or an actual idea. So unless you blog is strictly facts - take a pass on telling him or anyone. Great post! E.

Soul Powers said...

I wouldn't tell.

The only person that knows when I blog about them also secretly blogs about me. LOL. Well, sometimes she does. We love the 'inside' joke, but we also aren't lovers--yet.

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