Stuff happens...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sometimes in life stuff just happens....recently I had 'stuff happen' in my life which meant I had to pull my blog for a wee while. But now that the stuff is over and done with my blog and I are back (assuming of course you noticed I was gone, if you didn't feel free to ignore this post!) What was the stuff I hear you ask? ummm gonna take a dodge on that answer and just leave it at 'stuff happens'!

Anyway, now we are back and up and running, I will have to tell you all about the fantastic over-nighter I had with Mr Big...


Rainy said...

OMG, I had "stuff happen" too and I'm taking a little blgging break right now..

I'm glad things are back and running again for you! I can't wait for your over-nighter post :)


Advizor54 said...

Of course we noticed, and were very worried.

I'm glad you are back!!!!

Ms Scarlett said...

SO thrilled you're back - I did notice, and I, too, was worried!

Can't wait to hear about your over-nighter!!


BlueEyes69 said...

After a nearly two-week absence, it's great you're back!

Anonymous said...

I was just about to email you when I realized you were back. :-)

Glad things are okay, Darlin'!


DomesticityAndDepravity said...

Glad to see that you're back up!!

Cala Gray said...

Yay for being back, Boo for having things that weren't good going on. Can't wait to hear more!:)

Enchanted Mistress said...

Glad to see you posting again and welcome BACK!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear you are back, and looking forward to reading more...

The Duchess said...

I hope everything is alright darling...

Topaz said...

The good news is 'stuff' can't keep you down. Glad you see you up and running!

Riff Dog said...

Ah, "stuff happens." Yep, I understand. ;-)

Glad to see you back.

Dizzy Mare said...

Am so glad you are back.

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