So off I troddled to one of those "Adult dating" websites to sign up and find myself a hot new playmate. I decided on the screen name 'naughtysecret', hey I thought it was cute and lets face it you can spend days trying to think up a good name - these things can be over thought!
So there I was, all signed up with a brief intro message & a 'what I'm looking for' message and I sat back waiting for the guys to respond (I'm a chick, they tend to come to us not us to them) and respond they did! (please note: I have not edited these messages in anyway other than to remove identifying names/places, this is how they landed in my inbox)
No.1 pj2692
Message: I can be your naughty secret
*eye roll* actually make that *MAJOR eye roll* yeah darlin, I'm sure you can be my naughty secret...... geez why didnt he just say 'wanna fuck?' oh stupid me, he did! Then I thought to myself, maybe I'm being a bit judgemental, lets give the guy a chance. So I looked up his profile and the first thing that catches my attention is status: single. I go back and check my 'what I'm looking for' message, yup I did write MUST BE MARRIED.
No.2 Great4utu
Message: Hi, Well you describe yourself as intelligent, ,flirty and fun ...... mmmmmh !!!!! Moi? .. intelligent, mischiefous, horny.I can travel, however you may want to have your secret a little closer to home ??
If not we can explore the possibbilities.
Talk Soon
Ahhhh sorry babe, 250km is a little too far to a regular fuck, nice to meet ya tho! Hey at least this one was married!
No.3 Roggamore
Message: Hi naughty, nice to see a naughty girl on here. Hope we can chat to get to know each other. I'm a well educated person who has time on my hands to enjoy myself and a special female like yourself. I travel quite a bit when I'm not working my butt off, and find an adventure or two can spice up your life and is loads of fun. You can reply on this site and/or accept invite and you will see my contact on my profile. C U soon Roger
OMG I think his name really is Roger More..... sadly, despite being interesting sounding, again 250km is a little far to go.
No.4 Loopy286
Message: I come over to xxxxxx every couple of months for work and am looking for some fun while im staying over there, would you be interested?
Read profile, single!Re-read profile and notice body shape is listed as ample and 'member size' as very long, ponders what ample might look like and thinks that a long member may be necessary if body shape is ample.
No.5 toysnties
Message: Your dreams and desires might just come true. Check out my profile (brand new) Looks like there might be some fun to be had.
Check out profile......mmmm very interesting, oh and not too shabby looking either, whats the catch, ah there it is, SINGLE!
No. 6 erotic4u2008
Message: Or as Obama says...YES WE CAN
So yes, you could be my naughty secret...just how naughty can you be???
Did I happen to mention...I luv naughty girls...they're the best kind!
Mind you, sometimes naughty girls get a little spanking don't they??...Could be
Maybe you could tell me a little more about yourself...and I will do the same...a pic or pix would be nice..tell me what turns you on...mmm
Check out profile..... Ok, not bad. Check out picture, wow! hot looking bod, a little hairy but never the less, HOT, damn shame about the strippy underpants, yeah horizontal stipes too. Combine striped undies with that message and I think I will pass thanks honey!
No. 7 hkj866
Message: I like your profile and I am in the same situation as you, married but need something more.
I am in the process of moving to Xxxxxxx, just got my employee contract and it would be nice to get to know you.
Please reply if you are interested
This guys profile was perfect! Met every single criteria I had and as a bonus, very good looking. The catch? 500km away.......
No. 8 trader613
Message: i fit all your criteria bar 1, im not married, but i totally understand the rules, im also looking for a regular friend and am absolutely discreet, i also work for for myself and am available anytime day or night,living in the same town a bonus, my membership expires tommorrow and im not going to renew so i wont be able to message you from tuesday so if your interested get back to me b4 then and il give you my details, il try to write my mobile and hopefully this place wont block it... (xxx xxxx xxxx) ...this place requires you to send 2messages each b4 you can give contacts lol, anyway hope you like what you see and if you do, hope you read my code for my mobile lol..xx
No.9 Harry10152
Message: What a shame you are too far away.
You are probably just what I am looking for.
Have a great day
No.10 Burlbrud
Message: im ya man&up 4 it

------ Profile Attached -------
hey well guess i cud start by sayn im Very Genuine&here 2 make friends&c what this site has 2 offer?? im pretty fussy lol
well here goes

Check out profile: I swear to god this guy looks just like Slash from guns n roses!!! complete with the hat too! next...... (nothing against Slash, you understand)
Wish you were in St. Louis
Guess all did'nt make the cut yeah
Your right Harmony, not all made the cut, but on the bright side, they weren't all bad! more on that in another post...
Amazing how many would write you a message even though they live so far away or were single. Do they place no value at all on their (or your) time?
So true Riff Dog, I think they are thinking with the little head, not the big one!
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