HNT: Lunch in the sun...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I love hot summer weekends....eating outside with as little as possible on, trying to catch a bit of sea breeze to cool you off after a long arduous morning spent reading on the sun lounger....sometimes my life really sucks!

Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday all...make sure you check out Osbasso to see who else is playing along this week.



Anonymous said...

Summer? Did you say summer? We are just getting rid of that arctic air from Canada.

Can I come visit?

Nice photo.

13messages said...

Trade you my season for yours. Your photo is gorgeous.

Aurore said...

Beautiful shot...oh summer, what is that again? HHNT!

pixie said...

*sighs* I miss the sun .. the talk of having sun and a soft breeze ... im jealous!! beautiful HNT!

James said...

Sun and warmth would be nice right now. You look very good in the sun and warmth. HHNT

Jobthingy said...

as i sit here in thisck fleece pants, and housecoat, freezing.. im jealous.



The Panserbjørne said...

Normally I am not all that fond of summertime, but anything that produces pics like THIS can't be all bad. :)

Happy HNT to you!

-- PB

Anonymous said...

Global Warming has us freezing here. Looks like fun to me though!

Genevieve said...

Nice photo! hhnt!

Vixen said...

*jealous* Can I come visit you for a bit? :)

LOVE that bra!

Anonymous said...

Add me to the jealous list !!! I want sun and warmth !!!

Sexy pics... I bet your neighbors don't complain ;)

Dewey's System said...

How do you do it Petal, week after week, taking beautiful shots of your gorgeous bod?

I get into sort of a trance when I see you.

It makes me smile, it makes me wish our continents could come together as one, literally and figuratively. ;)

Alisha and Brett said...

Very jealous of the nice weather! Awesome pic!


bdenied said...

Now I believe in global warming and I have discovered its root cause....You dear are causing global warming....the temp in this room just went up 5%

Supercock said...

I think I LOVE it too!

Chapter Two said...

well now to have it be summer again - sigh! glad someone is warm and HOT!!! ;)

Hubman said...

Summer? Must be nice, we have snow on the ground. It would be even nicer to have you around!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

No fair! You look fantastic! HHNT!

Kimberly said...

Oh babe - looks good and sounds good!! HHNT!

Red Rider said...

So jealous - of the weather and the view! ;-)

Ms Scarlett said...

Lovely shot Petal!! I'm totally coveting that pretty bra!


Anonymous said...

Well I'm not sure where you are but with pics like this and the promise of more due to warm weather I certainly want to join!

Gregorio Martino said...

I can't wait until we have warm days again. I will be eating on the porch as well. As for the menu......

Anonymous said...

Goodness I could use a little warm round here... VERY PRETTY!!!

Autumn said...

what a lovely photo petal. you look so pretty and i love your belly button jewel. i miss summer. oh well, our turn will come again. enjoy!

Who's In My Panties said...

i wish that i could enjoy the weather like that, its freezing here. Nice pic

Loverboy said...

Truly gorgeous

Loverboy & Alabaster Legs

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